
The Royal Irish Regiment

Case Name: The Royal Irish Regiment

Advertiser: The Royal Irish Regiment

Industry: The Royal Irish Regiment

Implementation Date: 2016.05.16-ongoing

Category: socialized marketing

  Marketing Background:

  The Royal Irish Regiment, a regiment within the British Army, recognize that social media is required to promote engagement and participation in Regimental activity, including recruiting campaigns and events. However, before working with Ardmore they had not engaged in professionally planned, constructed and delivered social communication which are founded on clearly stated and measurable objectives and targets. Ardmore were tasked with meeting the objectives below and so launched the #RIRISHWARRIOR campaign and took over management of The Royal Irish Regiment’s social channels in May 2016.

  Marketing Strategy:

  -Improve the brand perception of The Royal Irish Regiment

  -Growth of social media channels

  -Improve recruitment by reaching a younger audience on social media channels, specifically 17 - 26 year olds across the island of Ireland

  -Maintaining a more consistent level of communications on social media

  Strategy & Creation:

  We achieved the above objectives by rebranding and managing The Royal Irish Regiment’s social platforms and launching new social channels. We also created engaging social content for The Royal Irish Regiment’s target audiences, specifically video content which was distributed via social channels.

  Implementation Process / Media Performance:

  Ardmore developed a new creative identity for The Royal Irish Regiment’s social channels using the #RIRISHWARRIOR hashtag on all creative, this helped to identify The Royal Irish Regiment’s social content in the busy social space.See creative in attached folder.

  In order to get to know The Royal Irish Regiment, Ardmore took part in a series of immersion trips with the regiment. This helped us understand the culture of the regiment and as such we were much more informed to create social content.

  Before launching the campaign to the public we presented the campaign to The Royal Irish Regiment internally and encouraged soldiers to engage by posting their own social content with the #RIRISHWARRIOR hashtag.

The Royal Irish Regiment
The Royal Irish Regiment

  We set up a new Instagram page for The Royal Irish Regiment which allowed us to reach their younger target audience. Engagement on this platform has been particularly high and we use ‘Instagram Stories’ (short videos & images that disappear after 24 hours) to highlight some of The Royal Irish Regiments more informal activities that showcase the comradery of The Royal Irish Regiment.
  Please see link to Instagram page:<https://www.instagram.com/royal.irish/?hl=en>

  We created a series of videos for The Royal Irish Regiment’s social channels, designed to provide an authentic insight into life with the regiment.
  Please see a link to videos on The Royal Irish Regiment’s Facebook page:<https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheRoyalIrishRegiment/videos/?ref=page_internal>

  We optimized the reach of all social content by using promoted Facebook and Instagram adverts to target based on age, location and interests.

  Marketing Effect & Market Feedback:

  -Facebook audience has experienced growth from 12,000 fans in May 2016 to 20,000 fans in December 2016

  -Average reach of Facebook posts increased by 50%

  -New Instagram page has attracted 3000 followers since May 2016

  -Production and distribution of 12 social videos with a reach of over 250,000

  -Social content has been shared by key influencers such as the British Army

  -Increase in recruitment levels










  Ardmore根据以下宣传目标,发布了名为 #RIRISHWARRIOR 的推广活动,并与2016年5月正式接管了皇家爱尔兰军团的所有社交媒体平台。


  - 提高皇家爱尔兰军团的品牌识别度

  - 拓展社会化媒体渠道

  - 通过在社交媒体上定向覆盖爱尔兰年龄在17至26岁的年轻目标受众增加军队征兵数量

  - 在社交媒体中保持更加持续的沟通和品牌暴露




  Ardmore 为皇家爱尔兰军团打造了全新且有创意的身份形象。在所有推广中贯穿了推广活动主题名称 #RIRISHWARRIOR(爱尔兰勇士),使得皇家爱尔兰军团的品牌在众多社交媒体声音中脱颖而出。



The Royal Irish Regiment
The Royal Irish Regiment

  我们为皇家爱尔兰军团建立了全新的Instagram页面,帮助我们接触到使用这一社交媒体平台的年轻目标受众,Instagram上的参与热度非常高。同时我们使用“Instagram Stories”来推广一些非正式、非官方的军队活动,展示出皇家爱尔兰军团在严肃军队形象外更具人情味儿的一面。

  请参考Instagram页面 https://www.instagram.com/royal.irish/?hl=en

  我们专门为皇家爱尔兰军团社交平台编辑制作了一系列视频,展示军队生活最真实的一面。请参考以下视频链接 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/TheRoyalIrishRegiment/videos/?ref=page_internal



  - 截止到2016年12月Facebook的粉丝从2016年5月的12,000增长到20,000人

  - Facebook发布内容送达人群数量增长了50%

  - 从2016年5月开始新上线的Instagram页面吸引了3000粉丝

  - 制作并发布了12个社交媒体推广视频,送达人数超过250,000

  - 发布的社交媒体内容被关键部门分享,比如英国陆军

  - 征兵数量增长
